Friday, 26 July 2013

Diagnose stomach and gastrointestinal disease

Stomach Diagnose
An endoscopy is accomplished to diagnose definite stomach and gastrointestinal diseases when other diagnostic methods are insufficient. It is also used to explore diseases which have already been diagnosed, or to find out what other diseases can be caused - which helps the practitioner direct an appropriate treatment.

Diseases diagnosed by endoscopy include:

• Stomach ulcer
• Respiratory disease
• Chronic diarrhea
• Urinary tract infections
• Internal bleeding
• Irritable bowel syndrome

It is useful for diagnosing and treating cancer. It is used to obtain small tissue samples that are checked to see if it's cancerous cells (biopsy). In particular, the endoscopy treatment is used to obtain tissue samples from colon or lung. In some cases, before performing the test is followed a treatment with antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection.

Although the procedure is painless, local anesthesia is recommended to relieve discomfort. Then, the endoscope device is guided into the body carefully, placed according to the body to be examined.

Other medicines available are: Kamagra Jelly, Penegra, Kamagra